GE Digital has made available an important update of Proficy Historian, the best-in-class historian solution that historicises and analyzes data, alarms and events to improve asset and process management, improving company profitability.

Proficy Historian 2022, distributed and supported by ServiTecno, is based on a flexible and scalable architecture – from a single sensor to an enterprise system – which constitutes the foundation for companies wishing to take advantage of the advantages offered by the Industrial Internet.

The news of the new version

The new version of GE Digital's software notably improves performance in large distributed plants thanks to enhanced connectivity, a new Asset Model and better management of data collection and encryption. Proficy Historian 2022 allows you to increase productivity by using a single management system for the entire Proficy software portfolio. It also provides new capabilities for managing multiple systems from a single point of control.

“With Proficy Historian 2022 GE Digital has taken a significant step forward. With features such as decentralized data collection, excellent management of large amounts of data, scalability from on-premise to hybrid cloud to full cloud, plus remote management and an OPC UA server, Proficy Historian remains one of the leading historians on the market,” he says Joe Perino, Principal Analyst of LNS Research. “In our opinion Proficy Historian should be on the short list of anyone today who intends to invest in a Historian system”.

Decentralized data management

Thanks to the centralized configuration, it is now possible to use remote data collectors to reduce maintenance costs and plant downtime. This streamlined management of distributed systems makes Proficy Historian the best data collection solution on the market for large Water, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, and multi-site manufacturing companies. Furthermore, the solution offers horizontal scalability, allowing all customers to have access to all data, without first having to consolidate it into a single centralized historian.

“Digital transformation starts with data,” explains RRichard Kenedi, general manager of GE Digital's Manufacturing and Digital Plant Software division. “Asset-intensive companies produce vast amounts of data that, when contextualised, open the door to operational transformation that can enable smarter operations management. Proficy Historian 2022 delivers high performance and improved industrial data management at the enterprise level, enabling industrial companies to drive continuous improvement through contextual analysis of data from across their operations.”

"In its more than twenty years, Proficy Historian has evolved from a simple historicizing software to a fundamental tool on which to set up a secure digitalization strategy for operations", he comments Enzo Maria Tieghi, CEO of ServiTecno. “Utilities and manufacturing companies can – indeed must – make the most of the great potential offered to them by the enormous amount of data generated by production systems. To do this, it is essential to have a historicizer that is powerful, fast, secure and reliable at the same time, just like Proficy Historian”.

Decades of experience serving businesses

Proficy Historian has been on the market for over twenty years and is used by thousands of companies around the world. The new release enriches features of proven effectiveness.

For example, a major chemical company was able to create a single repository of industrial data across all of its plants, enabling better visibility and understanding of production trends, resulting in a 20% increase in production capacity.

In contrast, a large energy monitoring and diagnostics center was able to save tens of millions of dollars in just one year, reduce unplanned downtime by 5%, and save 20% on IT infrastructure costs.

Again, a large gas company cut costs by consolidating all of its data into a single historian, thus eliminating over 100 corporate servers.

More information on the complete suite of software solutions for digital systems of GE Digital and family Profit Software.