One of the aspects that is still too little talked about is theimpact that digitization is having within the organizations business.

In fact, production departments are traditionally reluctant to adopt technologies that are more than consolidated and that do not have a horizon of use of less than a few decades.

Better, then, if they are based on "iron". This different mentality has historically made attempts at dialogue between those who work in IT departments and those who work in operations (OT) difficult.

But things have been changing since the beginning of the XNUMXs: the emergence of industrial controllers built on PC based technology, the advent of Ethernet on the shop floor they were the first signs of a phenomenon that is unstoppable today and that sees the use of tablets, apps and othernewfangled” which has always been used in the IT sector.

The logical consequence is that, at least in the most enlightened companies, those who work in the production departments begin to call colleagues from IT departments, to ask them for some advice, a collaborate to manage the digital transformation, especially in some areas which, for those who work in production, are still difficult today.

IT/OT convergence


From Big Data to information

The first theme – apparently the most banal – is how to manage i big data which risk becoming only an ocean of meaningless bits, if the right steps necessary to transform them into information actually usable.


Business continuity

The second theme instead has to do with an all-industrial priority, business continuity: in manufacturing, especially in certain sectors, every hour of downtime risks costing too much.


Cyber ​​security in the factory (and beyond)

The last theme – last obviously only in order of exposure – is that of cyber security.


Secure data transmission

How data moves securely from the cloud to the PlantFloor and Enterprise network.


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