What's New Proficy Historian 9.0: the GE Digital WEBINARS continue to present a preview of the new releases of the PROFICY family platforms.

The next appointment is on Thursday 5 November 2020 at 17:00 Central European Time with Proficy Historian 9.0.


Register for the Proficy Historian webinar!
Don't miss the appointment on Thursday 5 November to find out all the news!


GE Digital's new Proficy Historian 9.0 offers Remote Collector Management (w/UX), a configuration and simplification tool

Steve Pavlosky – Principal Product Manager – Proficy Historian GE Digital of collector installation, ability to be an OPC-UA server and a scale-out Azure IoT Hub endpoint

The combination of Proficy Historian e Proficy Operations Hub provides a powerful data management solution with asset model context and IoT information visualization anywhere, anytime.

Product Manager Steve Pavlosky will talk about the new version of Historian.


GE Historian is the heart of the software platform GE-Digital to provide the foundation of complete business solutions.

GE Historian (GE's Process Database) ties it together Big Data and information from across the manufacturing environment without compromising data resolution. It allows an integrated view of all production activities with accuracy and allows instant access to historical data.

What does Historian give me compared to a common Relational Database? Key Benefits! Including inherent capabilities to ingest data, speed of ingestion, high compression capacity, robust redundancy, advanced security, and speed to deliver value. They are a tool for those who manage the plant and production, with reduced costs and effort for deployment and maintenance.


Register for the Proficy Historian webinar!
Don't miss the appointment on Thursday 5 November to find out all the news!