Skkynet is pleased to announce the release of software versions 10.0.1 and 9.0.12 data hub. This release includes dozens of improvements and bug fixes, many of them suggested or reported by users in the field. Regardless of whether you have encountered any problems or not, we always recommend using the latest version.

Some highlights of the update:

    • For both 10.0.1 and 9.0.12, OpenSSL security has been updated to revision 1.1.1o.
    • Bug fixes for OPC UA, A&C, Remote Config, MQTT, REST Historian, WebView and more.
      Improvements to External Historian, Web Server, OPC A&C, MQTT and more.
    • All changes to v10.0.1 that were applicable to v9.0.12 have been implemented.
    • Full release notes for the v10.0.1
    • Full release notes for the version 9.0.12

For all users, the upgrade from version 10.0.0 to version 10.0.1 is free. Upgrading from version 9.0.x to version 9.0.12 is also free.

Try it now

DataHub version comparison table

Want to see which DataHub software versions include which features? We have added a new comparison table to the Features page of the Cogent DataHub website.

Take a look!

Update to version 10

If you're using DataHub version 7.x, 8.x or 9.x, there's never been a better time to upgrade to version 10. If you want access to some of the new features, like the new Smart MQTT Broker with Sparkplug B, the External Historian or Notifications, take advantage of the latest version of OpenSSL or simply ensure solid performance for years to come, upgrading is as simple as possible.

If your licenses are under maintenance, upgrade to data hub 10.0.1 is free. If not, or if you are unsure, we can help you calculate the cost. In any case, that's enough contact us, as Italian distributors of this solution, or send an email to Skkynet at for assistance on the upgrade.

Of course, if you're happy with the current features of the DataHub software and would rather not upgrade, that's fine. DataHub versions 8.x and 9.x are highly reliable and offer a wide range of features. They will be supported until January 1, 2025.