ServiTecno will be present at A&T, the fair dedicated to innovation, technologies, reliability and 4.0 skills, from 14 to 16 February at Oval Lingotto Fiere in Turin: come and visit us at our booth E15, our staff will be ready to welcome you and present our proposal for what we define as the Production & Management Integration Layer. What is it about? Very simple…

What happens between the FIELD and the CLOUD? How do you check theEFFICIENCY of your systems and the QUALITY' of the finished products? But above all… how can you improve yours PERFORMANCES and finally become one SMART FACTORY


We at ServiTecno together with our partners GE Digital (soon GE Vernova) and Skkynet invite you to come and visit us at the fair to talk about our proposal for the production & management integration layer: create VALUE with DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, discover the technologies that will allow you to truly enter the 4.0 era.

Explore our fair catalog and request an appointment directly at the stand:


So as not to leave you unprepared, here are the three key functions of the production & management integration layer:

  1. Connect machinery to the network: via cable or wireless today practically any machinery (even one not governed by a PLC) can produce data relating to its use and its role within the production process. We must ensure that this happens efficiently and safely.
  2. Supervise the process: the heart is the SCADA system which (once the machinery is connected) carries out the controller function reporting problems and potential in real-time (Alarm & Notification). But that's not all, on the contrary...the data collected and displayed they are historicized within a process database that enables the first actions first and second level analysis and reporting.
  3. Enable improvements and optimization: the historicized data may be made available to implement more sophisticated solutions in the sphere of Advanced analytics, the Machine Learning up to the MONTH, making the application open and information available. In this way we will create an real connection between Production and Management, between the Field and the CLOUD... a data highway that allows visibility never recorded before and therefore great support for those in the company who deal with strategy.

However, all this openness and data exchange also has a dark side: to open means to expose, and is therefore fundamental do not underestimate the aspect relating to cyber security, especially because what I am protecting is the production process which must never fall into the oblivion of unplanned downtime.

  • That of the Industrial Cyber ​​Security (or OT Security if you prefer) is another fundamental point in ServiTecno's proposal which in the last 25 years has dealt with protect machines and systems from cyber attacks and incidents increasingly frequent and sophisticated.

These are basic principles and must be linked to a single great truth: ALL SYSTEMS ARE DIFFERENT and therefore the Production & Management Integration Layer will be different for each individual customer. It is important to rely on the right professionals, define priorities and needs and start creating your own connection middleware to truly enter the 4.0 era and ensure that technologies truly support continuous improvement.

This is the work of ServiTecno, come and meet us at the A&T fair, make an appointment or contact us to talk about your new Production & management Integration Layer today.