In the increasingly interconnected era of the Internet of Things (IoT), companies are facing ever-new challenges regarding connectivity, security and the integration of data from different sources.

In this context, DataHub IoT Gateway presents itself as the ideal solution to facilitate the connection between OPC UA and OPC DA (Classic) systems and any MQTT broker, ensuring efficient and secure interoperability between different platforms.

The Features of DataHub IoT Gateway

DataHub IoT Gateway offers a wide range of advanced features to facilitate the connection and exchange of data between different systems:

  1. Connection with MQTT: The gateway supports MQTT, one of the most widespread protocols in the IoT, allowing fast and reliable communication between devices and applications.
  2. Support for SparkPlug v2.2/v3.0 and JSON schema: These open standards simplify the adoption and integration of DataHub IoT Gateway with other IoT devices and applications.
  3. Connection to Multiple MQTT Brokers: DataHub IoT Gateway can connect to both Azure IoT Hub and Amazon IoT Core, as well as REST API, AWS Kinesis, or a generic MQTT broker, providing the flexibility to adapt to your specific project needs.
  4. Connection between OPC UA and OPC DA: One of the distinctive features of the DataHub IoT Gateway is its ability to connect any combination of OPC UA and OPC DA clients and servers, ensuring seamless communication between the two industrial communication standards.

Because we are the best

There are several reasons that distinguish DataHub IoT Gateway from other solutions on the market:

  1. No Point Limits: Unlike some gateways, DataHub IoT Gateway does not impose hard limits on the number of data points managed, offering unlimited scalability and adapting to any system size.
  2. Client and Server Interface for UA and DA: DataHub IoT Gateway includes both client and server interfaces for both OPC UA and OPC DA standards, ensuring bi-directional connectivity between devices and servers.
  3. Data Model Preservation: A crucial aspect of the gateway is its ability to maintain the original data model, avoiding flattening information and preserving the data structure for better interpretation and analysis.
  4. Customizable JSON Data Format: DataHub IoT Gateway offers the flexibility to customize the JSON data format to support most MQTT applications, simplifying integration with different systems.
  5. Store and Forward option with External Historian: To ensure data continuity even in the event of connectivity interruptions, the gateway offers the possibility of storing data and subsequently forwarding it to an external historian, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the information.
  6. Optional Tunneler to Support the NIS2 Directive: DataHub IoT Gateway offers an optional tunneller to comply with the NIS2 Directive regarding the protection of critical infrastructures, ensuring a high level of security and data protection.

Reference markets

DataHub IoT Gateway addresses a wide range of industries and markets, including:

  • Energy Production and Distribution: Utilities, power generation, Oil & Gas sector and renewable sources.
  • Multi-Country Manufacturing: Pharmaceutical, Discrete Manufacturing, Food and Beverage Industries.
  • Software and Services Companies for Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning, big data analysis, dashboards and data lakes.


In summary, DataHub IoT Gateway represents the cutting-edge solution to enable secure and flexible connectivity between OPC UA and OPC DA systems and MQTT brokers, respecting the NIS2 directives regarding the security of critical infrastructures. With advanced features, unlimited scalability, and the ability to customize JSON data, DataHub IoT Gateway is an ideal choice for power generation, manufacturing, and AI companies interested in maximizing connectivity and integration in the age of IoT.