ServiTecno he'll be there in the mcT Conference Area (Crowne Plaza Hotel – San Donato Milanese) with a speech entitled “The New European NIS Directive: The impact on OT technologies of Operators of Essential Services”.

The speech will be held by Mario Testino (Key Account Manager of ServiTecno)



One of the starting questions can only be: when can it cost not to be in line with the European Directives?

how much can it cost not to be in line with the NIS European Directive?

La recent Italian implementation (DL 520/2018) of the European NIS directive (1148/2016 and RE 2018/151) has finally made mandatory the necessary measures to raise the common security level of the networks and systems of the Operators of Essential Services within the union.

Beyond the general and organizational aspects, it is immediately evident that the focus of the new legislation is oriented towards reduction of the impact on economic and social activities of potential cyber incidents, i.e guarantee mostly the business continuity of the Providers of Essential Services.

In developing mitigation strategies very dangerous and very expensive downtime don't underestimate the iImpact of cyber incidents on operational plants and technologies (the hardware and software dedicated to detecting or causing changes in physical processes through direct monitoring and/or control of physical devices such as valves, pumps, etc.).


Essential Services Operators Essential Services Operators

It can easily be understood how these OT systems (we are talking about PLC, SCADA, RTU, DCS, etc.), given also the progressive IT-OT convergence, are fundamental elements to ensure physical security and continuity of service. Try to imagine what a cyber-accident could cause to a control system of an energy generation plant or to a railway, airport or other signaling system.

We will try to give information and answers on this topic: what do we have to fear? What are the possible threats (physical and digital)? What does the NIS Directive say about it?