
Il corso avanzato su GE iFIX è stato disegnato per fornire approfondimenti su specifici moduli del prodotto per poter sviluppare applicazioni HMI / SCADA fornendo funzionalità di più alto livello quali ridondanza, reportistica ed interfaccia verso database relazionali.


Il corso è rivolto a tecnici di processo, automazione e strumentazione e a system integrator.
Di seguito alcuni requisiti:

  • Conoscenza di base dei sistemi operativi Microsoft
  • Conoscenza di base delle reti
  • Conoscenza di base di automazione industriale
  • Aver partecipato al corso base GE iFIX


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Ricevi aggiornamenti sulle tecnologie proposte da ServiTecno e GE oltre agli esclusivi CONTENUTI PREMIUM in ambito Digital Transformation

Programma (4 giorni)


Session 1

  • Project Maintenance and Review
    Review the iFIX Architecture and iFIX Applications. Understand the Backup/Restore Utility. Back up a project’s files and folders. Restore a project from files and folders.
  • Introduction to OPC
    Learn the history and purpose of OPC. Understand OPC terminology. Review the OPC interfaces found in iFIX.
  • iFIX OPC DA Clients
    Identify iFIX OPC Clients. Configure the Workspace OPC Client and iFIX OPC DA Client Driver. Explore the IGS Driver OPC DA Protocol.
  • iFIX OPC Servers
    Identify iFIX OPC Servers. Work with the iFIX OPCEDA OPC Server, OPCiFIX OPC Server and iFIXOPCAESrv OPC Server. Introduce the iFIX OPC UA Server.
  • Scaling Models and the PDB
    Investigate the tools for mass creation of iFIX PDB tags and models. Export and Import the iFIX PDB in both Configuration Hub and Database Manager using Excel as the editor.
  • Further Database Blocks
    Extend PDB chains with secondary blocks and build Program blocks. Learn how to add loadable blocks with the BTKCFG tool.

Session 2

    Review OPC UA interfaces. Configure the iFIX OPC UA I/O Client Driver. Connect to the iFIX OPC UA Server for Data and Alarms Understand the IGS OPC UA Client and Server.
  • Asset Model Development
    Learn to configure templates and generate object types from IGS Sources. Explore how to develop Types with Substitution Parameters, configure PDB Tag properties in Variables and deploy Scalable Model Instances. Understand publishing model Instances and tags.

Session 3

  • Enhanced Failovers
    Discuss and configure Enhanced Failover. Explore LAN and Historian iFIX Collector Redundancy. Work with Diagnostics – NSD Tags and SCADA Sync Monitor.
  • Integrate with RDB
    Discuss relational databases and where and how they may be integrated with iFIX. Define and explain ODBC and SQL. Learn to configure a DSN and write simple SQL queries.
  • Use iFIX SQL Blocks with RDB
    Configure the SCU for linking the PDB to an RDB. Add queries to the SQL Library table and prepare the SQL Error table. Build SQL Trigger and Data blocks for ODBC transactions.
  • Access RDBs in the Workspace
    Review the mechanism for exchanging data between the Workspace and RDBs. Explore display and scripting requirements for data exchange. Use ADODB to interact with a MS SQL Database.

Session 4

  • VisiconX
    Configure VisiconX Data controls and present RDB data sets using the VisiconX display controls, incorporating using Query Parameters
  • Integrate iFIX with Proficy Historian
    Collect iFIX Data and store in Proficy Historian, then present in Trends, Animations and Tables and VisiconX. Use the Global Time Controls.
  • iFIX Alarm Archiving
    Log iFIX Alarms using the ODBC Alarm Service and the Historian AE Collector. Use VisconX to retrieve and present Alarms.
  • ActiveX and .NET
    Define ActiveX and .NET Components. Explore adding ActiveX controls and .NET Components to iFIX displays. Interact in an HMI using Active X controls and .NET Components.

Session 5

  •  Dynamo Creation and Maintenance;
    Build Dynamos and Dynamo Sets. Develop complex Dynamos and create Master Dynamos. Work with tools for automated Dynamo update and maintenance.
  • Schedule
    Create Schedule Documents. Automate routine Event-based and Time-based tasks.
  • Advanced Security
    Review the iFIX Security Model and how to use Windows Accounts with iFIX. Understand Proficy Authentication with iFIX. Discuss eSignatures and the Security Synchronizer.
  • iFIX Thin Client Access
    Investigate Config Hub, Webspace and WebHMI. Discuss Remote Desktop.


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